About Me

I’m Tamás Csanda.
A student of journalism at the Department of Journalism of the Comenius University in Bratislava. I’m the former student-body president of The Hungarian College for Advanced Studies in Bratislava. Currently I’m VP and youth-organiser of the Parliament of Youth in Nové Zámky.

Some things I’m proud of:

Mentors are essential to our success. Having people guide me through most of my projects, I am sincerely grateful for the following people:

  • Zuzana Peternai, principal of my former high school, with whom we created a community where the practice of shared leadership and student participation was strongly encouraged and highly appreciated. We held a few workshops together for IPAO and continue to work together to this day to maintain community engagement amongst the students in my hometown.
  • Voda Zsófia, Managing Director of the Hungarian College for Advanced Studies in Bratislava. I am grateful for your mentorship during my first year of college and as a student-body president. I appreciate all the times, when we debate current affairs and brainstorm new plans for future projects in our region.
  • Osika Judit, my coach, who guided me through the hard times of being a leader. You taught me how to evaluate my behaviour, how to consciously reflect on my feelings. If you’re in need of personal development, I happily recommend Judit’s GrowYourSpace platform.
  • My peer mentors and close friends: Bárczi Laura, Horváth Rebecca, Bondor Juszti, Magát Dominika, Kosár Réka and Moravecz Eszter
  • And, of course, my parents

I hope to pay their efforts forward someday.

You can find me on the following platforms: